Monday, April 4, 2016

spring break 2016

It was pretty great that we had the cousin's visit and then headed into spring break.  Unfortunately, we shared sickness with our cousins.  We're not sure who the germs originated with, but both families got the stomach bug.  It seemed like every other day, during spring break, someone was either barfing or had diarrhea, BUT we made the most of the good days.

We visited our favorite parks throughout the week.  We also cashed in Lily's FREE happy meal coupons from her hard work with the Accelerated Reading program at her school.

We visited the Children's Museum of Wilmington one day.  
We have a membership and the kids always love going. 

Perfect timing that Krispy Kreme had free donuts on Friday. We went after dinner with Daddy.

The kids loved watching the donuts being made.

Lily has a VERY loose bottom front tooth. You can see the permanent tooth poking through.  She desperately wanted to lose it before returning to school, but that tooth is stubborn and hanging on.

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