Tuesday, June 14, 2016

celebrating SIX

And we have a SIX year old.  It seems like just yesterday we met Lily.
We had a fun day celebrating her birthday.  We opened present first (it was very early), while the monkey bread was baking. The Golden Books, that I snagged for $.50 each at the Salvation Army, were a HUGE hit!

Lily requested monkey bread for her birthday breakfast.  
And yes, the bottom of the candles melted in the hot monkey bread.  
Note to self, don't put wax candles into HOT monkey bread. 

Some friends came over to play in the morning.  We did a mini water day with our plastic pool and the new sprinkler.  That evening we met Daddy at Island's (Lily's favorite) for dinner.  Then we dropped Lily & Ella off at VBS.  The girls love Vacation Bible School! After we picked them up, we came home for ice cream sandwiches.  

Lily's description: "it's not a sandwich with bread, it's cookie, ice cream, cookie then rolled in sprinkles.  If only you could see her face & the hand motions as she explained this.
Lily helped mix up & bake the cookies & then assemble the sandwiches the end of last week.

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