Monday, December 19, 2016

miss katelyn

We have had THE BEST babysitter for years!  Initially, our girls had her as a teacher for 2-3 year old Sunday School.  She started babysitting for us when we were a family of four.  Unfortunately, I can't remember if Katelyn was in high school or college, either way, it's been a while. Our kids love her, we love her, and she is a sweet friend of mine.  She's spent many nights here with me and the kids when Jake was out of town for work.  This is such a help & blessing to me.

We had to say goodbye (or see ya later) to Katelyn this past weekend.  She just graduated from UNCW and is off to Oregon for an internship.  Tears were shed.  

 Friday night, was the last night Katelyn babysat for us.  The girls did the chalkboard for her. 

Katelyn made each of the kids these cute doggie pillows.  So sweet.

Our family loves Miss Katelyn.  We will miss her so much, but we are so proud of her and all of her accomplishments.  Katelyn, may God continue to guide you as you move to Oregon and begin your internship.  Whenever you're back in Wilmington, we want to see you!

We are praying Psalm 16:11 for you, "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

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