Wednesday, December 7, 2016


The first year...It's incredible to go from a completely dependent infant to an almost-walking and I-want-to-feed-myself toddler.  The first year is hard.  It's exhausting.  The days (and the nights) can be, i mean seem, long at times.  But boy did the year go quickly! Now when I think back to the first year with Lily, Ella and #babyB, I realize how quickly it does go and to try to enjoy each moment (the good, the bad & the ugly moments, ALL of them!). 

Monday #babyS turned ONE. She is smiley and sweet.  She giggles and babbles. She loves to feed herself, especially loves meat! She is walking more than crawling.  She is such a joy!

Opening gifts

About to dig in to the chocolate cupcake with Nutella frosting.

One year check up
Height 27.5" 
Weight 18lb 15oz
Head 17.5"

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