Saturday, January 28, 2017

Jake 36

TODAY Jake turned 36! 
We love him so much and tried to celebrate him the best we could.

Ella, my HUGE helper in the kitchen, helped me make his cake on Friday afternoon.  And why not help?  Helpers get to lick the bowl! Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and topped with Reese's.  It's so good.  We make it almost every year for Jake's birthday.

Lily & Ella helped me set up the "party" Friday night.  Then Saturday morning we had a family breakfast complete with waffles, nutella, strawberries & whipped cream.  

Now, we also had a new concrete driveway poured today. Not what I would pick to do on my birthday, but it was what Jake picked.  We've been wanting to do this for a while.  So Jake & the girls spent most of the day outside.  I kept the littles inside and out of the wet concrete!

We enjoyed dinner all together with some dear friends of ours.  Jake picked the dinner menu and then we finally got to dive into THE cake!
candle says "29! again"

We love you Jake - Daddy! Happy 36th Birthday!

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