Thursday, July 20, 2017

FLORIDA summer vacation

We just got back from a short, but very sweet, vacation to see our family in Florida.  We left home Friday after lunch. It's a solid 10 hour drive to Tampa, but we had to sit for an extra 2 hours on I-75 due to an accident.  Thankfully it was late at night, cooler weather and most of the kids slept most of those 2 hours.  We stayed until Wednesday morning. Here is some of the cousin/family fun.

The park with 8 kids!
It was a full house and the noise level was high.

Visiting Bay Cities Fellowship, the church plant Luke & Jess are starting.

A big water balloon fight plus playing in the pool.

Seeing the Clearwater Maritime Aquarium

Our little guy LOVES sharks, so he had a blast!

We also enjoyed many family meals, playing with cousins, riding bikes, Clearwater beach and helping with a few house projects. Seeing the cousins all together reminded me of growing up near Luke.  Cousins are the best! We adults loved catching up and chatting at night, after the 8 kids were in bed.  We love you, Luke & Jess!

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