Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas at Home 2016

Once again, we had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior. 
Jon, Emily & Blake arrived Friday afternoon.  It was so fun having them here with us for Christmas.

Christmas Eve...We continued our tradition of our family advent calendar for December (the activities vary from year to year but some remain the same) and opening our Christmas Eve Box.  And once again, I had cones & frosting in the box for making Christmas trees, or a Santa hat.

Auntie Em & I (Meg) did one too.
#babyB decided to "eat?" most of his.

We even played a math game with Auntie Em.

Later that evening we went to our Christmas Eve Gathering at The Bridge.  
It was a great way to remember what Christmas is all about - THE greatest gift ever given.
The girls even sang "Joy to the World" with a children's choir.

Christmas morning...we were up early.  But it's fun with kids. They are so excited.  We opened gifts from our immediate family, while the Hight's slept in.  Lily & Ella used their own money, from their piggy banks, and went shopping, with Daddy, for sibling presents.  They did a great job picking out thoughtful gifts for each of their siblings. Here is Benny opening one of his gifts. 

We enjoyed a leisurely brunch, while the babies napped.
Yes, we're still in our jammies!

Lily requested monkey bread. Ella requested scones.  Jake requested chocolate chip scones. We enjoyed some of our family favorites. After brunch, we Skyped with family and opened gifts from them. 

It was a beautiful day so we decided to walk to the park and burn off some energy (i.e. all that sugar).

These two are only 3 months apart...and lots of pounds, like 5+ pounds. 

We had an early Christmas dinner. Skyped with more family & opened more gifts. And then used Ella's new tea set for a tea party ("tea" and peppernuts) before bed.

M e r r y  C h r i s t m a s !

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