Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Serenity Mae, E I G H T


It was a full day today for Wren's 8th birthday. We started the morning with homemade cinnamon rolls, her pick. Wren opened her cards and presents. Then it was off to school. Wren wore the "birthday girl" button and said that 300 people told her Happy Birthday today! After school Benny, Wren & I hiked the Abbey Nature Preserve Trail, which is near school. The girls had a 4pm basketball game so this was fun to get some fresh air and move around before sitting for the game. 

After the game, we headed across town to the NHC DSS Foster Care Christmas Party at Scooter's. This was so fun and perfect. Wren loves to skate! Dad even put a pair on and joined in on the fun.

Happy 8th Birthday Serenity Mae Flaming. 
You are loved.