Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Beach House Update: Bunk Room


Our short term plan for the beach house was to close in part of the underneath for storage plus a toilet room. Our long term plan was to finish off part of that space for an extra bedroom. Jake had the week of Christmas off and paid - Company wide for hitting their goal! After our family headed out, Jake started the construction. The initial storage room was finished by early February, with the roll up garage door. This space is a game changer. We have our surf boards, kayak, bikes, beach gear all in there and organized! No more plywood box to unscrew and store it all.
Then we started thinking. Jake & I were talking one evening and he said we should probably just do it all. The kids are getting bigger and this can give us more room to spread out. 
So we started phase two - the bunk room.

Triple bunks. 
We're still looking for a dresser for this space.

Toilet Room. 
The door, pedestal sink (notice the sink in the background of the second photo with me & Wren) & medicine cabinet is original to the 1958 house above.

These sweet little lights I grabbed, at Restore, years ago for $3 each. 
Finally using them.

It was pretty fun having Lily & Ella help me with the install. We made beds. Arranged the space and hung some art. This could be a future business. 

Each of the girls in "their" bunk.

Here's to a summer full of memories and sweet dreams at night.