Once again this year, we went to our local Lowe's Foods for their pumpkin painting. We discovered this 3 years ago and it is great! The kids get to pick out any pumpkin, then paint it and use all the stickers. Lowe's also has snacks for the kids: pumpkin-shaped surge cookies, apples, apple cider. It is also free! We don't have real pumpkin patches here in North Carolina. Our pumpkin patches are local stands, set up around town, that have mounds and piles of pumpkins for sale at crazy prices. We only fell for that racket one year. Also here, in NC, our pumpkins rot fairly quickly since it still isn't very cold. Unfortunately I completely forgot to take a picture of the kids, with their pumpkins. Typically, the weekend after we PAINT our pumpkins, we CARVE our pumpkins. We also love roasting all the seeds. This is the first year all the kids carved their pumpkins. Wren refused to put her hand in the pumpkin to clean it out.
Trick or Treating with Batman, an Animal Trainer, Moana and the cutest Native American you have ever seen!
Again this year, we trick or treated with friends. This is so fun and we love how this is the one night out of the year all the neighbors are out. It's perfect for getting to know more neighbors.
Our family journal-album. The ONLY reason I still keep up with this blog is to print it off at the end of every year and have our family album for the records.
This blog is also intended to keep us connected with our far away family & friends. Thanks for stopping by.