As said in my previous post, the kid's school is doing one week in person learning and one week virtual learning at home. We just finished up our first week of at home learning. Let's show a few highlights....I'll extend all the mom GRACE, rather than mom guilt, and not rehash the not so pretty moments.
Friday, August 28, 2020
A week of virtual learning at home
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
new ride
Tuesday night we brought home a new to us Kia Sedona.
Our VW Routan had been having some electrical issues so we thought through driving it until it died OR selling it while we still could. Jake was able to sell the VW for more than the trade in value and in just a few days. We're thankful for the Lord's provision for our family. He is so faithful in the small daily details and the larger purchases.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
2020 First Day of School
Monday Lily, Ella & Benny started school AT school! Our school is doing a hybrid Plan B. One week in school for face to face learning and then one week at home for virtual learning. These three have been so excited for school. They have missed their teachers and friends. We are especially thankful that Benny was able to start the year partially IN school. He's been waiting for kindergarten and eager to go for over a year now.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Ella donates 8" of hair
Remember when Lily donated her hair this past January? Well, Ella's hair has been growing and it is L-O-N-G. We are also rather delinquent at scheduling regular haircuts PLUS it's been more challenging with COVID-19 (salons being open, finding time to go and not bring everyone with me, etc....) Ella's long hair is also pretty hard for her to brush out and detangle. These same factors encouraged Lily to cut her long hair and donate it. Tuesday night I started talking to Ella about if she'd like a hair trim before school or a cut or if she had enough to donate. Well, we went for it Wednesday morning at Mom's hair salon.
A few weeks later once Ella's shirt arrived.
We're proud of these two!!
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Hurricane Isaias

One of our sweet neighbors texted Jake Tuesday morning to let us know that a tree was down and on our house. Jake asked another friend to check it out. We ended up having a crew get most of the tree off of the roof and another friend tarp up the 3-4 holes in our roof. Part of the down tree was on the power line so that was another issue.
Here is our house when we arrived back home on Thursday evening:

Friday, August 7, 2020
OBX vacation
What a wonderful week we just had with some of our friends in OBX. I have been friends with Jocelyn since I was in 5th grade. We have seen each other occasionally over the years (graduations, weddings, a girls weekend and then THREE separate visits with our families - ONE. TWO. THREE. Saturday morning we drove to OBX to meet their family, for a week, at the beach. We had a beach house in Kill Devil Hills and they had a beach house, with 2 other families, in Duck, NC. It was such a fun week. It was 4 families and a total of 13 kids ages 4-10 years old.

Sunday morning - Exploring the Avalon Pier that was just a few blocks from our rental. We then headed to the beach access near the Hrovath's rental. Our daily plan was head to their beach (around 10am) with lunches packed. When everyone had their beach fill (usually around 3-4pm) we would go back and swim at their pool until dinner.
Friends since 1993
TACO BAR at our house for Sunday night dinner. After dinner we walked to the Avalon Pier.
Monday morning was overcast and cloudy and we decided to check out Jockey's Ridge. It did not disappoint! In Wilmington, you are not allowed on the sand dunes - you will be fined if you are caught on them. Our kids loved running up and down the dunes.
We had some amazing finds at the beach this trip. Meg & Ella found a live starfish on Monday. Wednesday afternoon Lily found a huge, beautiful & all-in-tact conch shell. Then on Thursday, Jake found a live puffer fish while boogie boarding (no photo). So fun! Our friends said that our family was "the ocean whisperers."

Tuesday is when Hurricane Isaias was riding up the east coast. We had lots of wind and some rain in OBX. However, Wilmington got hit - see next post. We ate breakfast, walked to the pier to see the waves and then hung out at the pool all day.
Tuesday morning pancakes by Jake. At home, Jake is in charge of Saturday morning breakfasts. The options are pancakes or waffles and he is really good at those two options!

Wednesday morning back at Avalon Pier, before we headed to meet our friends at the beach.

Flaming & Hrovath families - friendship is such a gift!