Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ella Taylor, T E N

We started celebrating Ella's birthday a few weeks ago. Ella got her ears pierced for her 10th birthday. We did it back on May 14 while Grandma was here. It was extra special for sure!

Opening presents while breakfast was in the oven.

Cinnamon Rolls for her birthday breakfast. Then off to school.

After school we had a Bridge Kids end of school year ice cream party at Boombalatti's. Then we enjoyed dinner at Jason's Deli, followed by more ice cream.

Ella wanted to make her own birthday cake and since we had ALL the ice cream on her actual birthday, we decided to wait and do her cake the following day. We invited our neighbor, Mr. George to join us.

Happy 10th Birthday, Ella Taylor Flaming