Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Beach House Ministry Update

Remember back HERE, when we shared our vision for the beach house?  We are still pursuing that original vision of using our beach house as a ministry to fellow foster parents & social workers. This past fall we had many meetings and conversations, as well as spending time in prayer, regarding how to start this ministry.  Jake & I decided to partner with Restored Souls Foundation. They are a local nonprofit that come alongside of foster parents in many creative ways including Vacation for a Cause and Parents Night Out. In January, an email was sent out from RSF inviting foster parents, from The Bridge Church, to book a Couples Getaway at our beach house.  

Having been involved with foster care since 2014, we know there can be times as foster parents that can be stressful to foster parents. We have personally seen the need and benefit to getting away as a couple. We hope each couple can use these nights away to unwind, recharge, reset and regroup as a couple. We’re praying that these nights away will allow them to return to their family ready to do the task God has called them to.

Currently, we have hosted two couple's getaways and they have been a success. We are excited to see how God continues to grow this ministry.