Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

celebrating FIVE

Today, Ella turned FIVE!

Yesterday, we made her requested homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches. Ella loves to help in the kitchen.  We have so much fun together.  We mixed cookies, baked them, let them cool and then assembled the ice cream sandwiches and even rolled them in sprinkles. She really is a big helper.  

We started off the birthday celebration with requested whole wheat banana pancakes shaped like snowmen.  Then opened presents. We got Lily off to school and Daddy off to work.

We met friends at Lewis Farms to pick blueberries and of course eat banana ice cream. Then we headed to the park to play and have a picnic lunch.

We snagged some FREE tomato plants at Lewis Farms so Ella helped me pot those while the littles napped.

After school we grabbed Lily and continued our birthday festivities at the Children's Museum. Then we met Daddy downtown at Island's for a birthday dinner and we enjoyed a walk by the river.

You are loved.

Friday, May 26, 2017

through the eyes of a first grader

The other day, this homework came home in Lily's folder. I knew that I had to "keep" it so we remember: how her mind worked, her answers, and especially the spelling.

Do you like windy days? Why?
No, it makes my hair knotty.

Are you glad that there are shots? Why?
Yes. They hurt, but they do help.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

mother's day 2017

Saturday morning, I came home from running and found this: 
The big girls had decorated our chalkboard for Mother's Day.  The list in the middle seemed to be prophetic for actual Mother's Day....

Saturday afternoon both girls were coughing uncontrollably with a dry cough.  Well, in our house, that tends to be a side effect of an ear issue.  I gave them some natural options and was praying it would subside by Sunday morning.  Unfortunately, we were up at 4:30am with lots of coughing.  So, I knew we were headed to the doctor once it opened at 8am.
Jake made a yummy waffle breakfast. The girls had set the table the night before. Then I opened lots of wonderful art and a few gifts: new rainbows and 3 bracelets. Two of the bracelets are wooden bangles that the big girls hand painted.  I absolutely love them! 
After breakfast, I took the big girls to the doctor, while Jake headed to church with the littles.  Bummer!  After an examination, my predictions were correct.  Lily had swimmer's ear in her right ear and Ella had an ear infection in her left ear.  We then headed to get the prescriptions....that took a VERY long time.  
We had planned to do lunch downtown after church, but due to circumstances, we just did lunch at home and then headed toward naps. After naps we played at the beach for an hour or so, no ears were allowed to get wet.  Then we ate dinner at Mellow Mushroom on the way home.  That was a hit with everyone!

This will be a mother's day that I'll always remember.  It wasn't glamorous, but it is life as a mom.  Kids never get sick when its convenient.  Thankful for these FOUR who call me mom!

Friday, May 5, 2017

sunshine & 17 months

Are we ever loving all the sunshine!  It can't get much better than Lewis Farms ice cream out on the bench in our backyard.  

#babyS turns 17 months today. She is just a peanut at 20lb 8oz but is close to her brother at 31" tall. We had well checks earlier this week.  #babyB, who is no longer a baby, is 28lb 6oz and 35" tall.  I am regularly asked if they are twins.
#babyS is a smiley girl.  She loves to do whatever her older siblings are doing.  She is a very fast walker/runner. She eats everything, but loves banana.  She recently added book, ball, and bubbles to her growing vocabulary.