Here is our WEEK TWO in photos:
The girl's school had us come by last Wednesday to pick up Chromebooks. The teachers have posted optional work for long distance learning and to stay engaged. It is NOT optional at our house!
Benny & Wren finished the alphabet this week.
This announcement came through on Monday, on our day one of school at home. Looks like we will be doing this for awhile, at least until May 15.
Lily did her Sleepy Hollow mobile project.
Ella learned how to graph.
She also did a research project on Harriet Tubman and made a slide show about her findings.
Lily & Ella created their countries flags for International Day.
We are so thankful for lots of sunshine this week.
We have been on many walks and bike rides.
We are also thankful that we are still allowed to go out, hit the parks and explore.
Extremely grateful for a good week, at home, with these 4. Jake also started working from home on Tuesday. We are praying for God's continued blessing of health & safety. We are praying for those who are battling coronavirus as well.