Today, Ella turned T W E L V E!
We let Ella decide if she wanted to wake up in Wilmington on her birthday or Surf City. She said that IF Dad had the bunk room finished, she would pick Surf City. So Jake worked hard to finish up the bunks over Memorial Day and Thursday we headed out with all the bedding and decor for the girls bunk room.
Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, Ella's usual pick
We spent most of the morning at the beach. We also went to a couple of shops to look for a few more pieces for the bunk room.
Ella's Dinner Pick: Island Delights
After dinner walk out to the beach.
On Saturday, June 1, Ella invited some friends out to Surf City for a beach day. Friends plus their families since it's 45 minutes from Wilmington. It was a fun day! The first friends arrived around 10:30am and the last family left at 8:30pm. We are thankful for each of these friendships and their families.