Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Beach House update

When asked, "How is the beach house coming?"  
We answer, "It's in PERMIT-tory!"

Jake has been putting in ALL the hours, countless hours, with phone calls, emails, drawing up the design on the computer, researching what building regulations are for Surf City, NC, requesting quotes for a few things, contacting CAMA, editing the redesign to comply with codes, reworking the deck design since we can't build a impervious structure within 30 feet of the water (marsh side), lining up a survey, sending letters to notify the property owners ,of the adjacent properties, as to our redesign plans, and the list goes on and on and on. 
It has been & is going to be a slow start as we wait for permits to come back. Hopefully in 4 weeks we will have the permits in hand and we can start with getting the pylons put in and constructing the deck.

A few meetings Jake has had regarding the beach house:
He met an engineer out at the property to look at the existing structure.  The engineer will then let us know what is needed for proper construction and to be within building codes. 
CAMA came out to mark the high water line, so we know where to measure the 30 feet from.
Our friend came out to survey the land.
He also met an insulation company to see how we can properly insulate the house, especially the roof that we are vaulting to maximize space.
That same afternoon an HVAC company came out to talk through what we're thinking for HVAC and putting the air handler in the attic space.
I'm sure I am forgetting a few things, I can't quite keep track of all the steps Jake's taken.