Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

spring break 2021

We are finishing up our TWO weeks of spring break. I did a reading incentive with the kids over the 2 weeks of spring break. Benny had come home from school with a calendar full of fun ideas for reading - on a blanket, in a tent, with a friend, to a stuffed animal, etc... They needed to do the activity and read for 20 minutes in order for Jake or I to sign the box.  If 10 boxes were full, they earned a donut date on Saturday morning, April 10. Everyone participated, earned it and enjoyed the donut date this morning.

Week ONE - Grandpa and Grandma Flaming were here visiting.

Week TWO consisted of a few trips to the beach, a lot of trips to local parks and the skate park, kids camp at Burn Boot Camp both Wednesday's, play dates with friends, a couple of training runs for our 5k, and ALL the sunshine.

Kids Camp week 1

Benny had a lot of time for LEGOs

A training run 

Kids Camp week 2

Twinning - and they renamed themselves "ditto"

Playing at Blockade Runner