Meg's Memo

. . .writings from Wilmington.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

BURN Athlete Games

I did something very hard today - physically hard and mentally hard. Our Wilmington gym hosted their own, and first ever, Burn Athlete Games. It was originally supposed to be held on August 3, but then ended up getting moved to Saturday, September 28. We had a huge turn out and 57 athletes competed! The games began at 8am and were completed by 12 noon. I was in Heat 2 all day; 6 heats total. You could sign up for Fire or Modi-Fire and then it was divided up by age group. I was in the 35 and older FIRE group. There were three different workouts. 
TODAY, my goal was to do my best, finish and have fun!

My inspiration & my cheerleaders.

In the middle of Humble Pie

Modi-fire workouts did the same amount of reps but a lighter weight and they could use the bands for the chin ups. Then men had the same amount of reps, except for double the chin ups, AND a much heavier dumbbell weight.

The FIRE workouts for the women were:
HUMBLE PIE (8 minute cap)
5 unassisted chin ups
 *THEN* 3 rounds of:
10 push ups (on your toes)
20 dumbbell swings at 35 pounds
5 unassisted chin ups

DEATH DROP (10 minute cap)
*10 reps down by 1 of each until you get to 0
Full burpees (on your toes & thighs can not touch the ground)
Snatches with the 30 pound dumbbell (1:1)

KEEPIN' IT 100 (15 minutes cap)
 *5 Rounds of 20 reps each
20 Goblet Squats with the 50 pound dumbbell
20 Double-Under's or 40 single jump rope
  I can not do double-under's so I had to modify to the 40 single's.
20 Irish pickups

I worked hard, I finished, I did my best and I had FUN! Here are my final times in minutes:
HUMBLE PIE - 2:24 
DEATH DROP - 6:18 
KEEPIN' IT 100 - 8:00

BURN will be announcing the winners this week. I think I am disqualified because I had to modify and do single jump rope's and not the double-under's that were required for the FIRE category.  I knew that and I am okay with it. So, until next year.....