I've been wanting to type this up for a while now . . . actually a year. Just now decided to go ahead & do it. Some of the details may have been a little clearer a year ago.
This weekend I have been reminiscing on what all Jake & I did last year on this weekend. Friday afternoon I had a doctor appointment; I was at 3cm already! (I was still 2 weeks early - due date was June 27.) Friday night Jake & I grabbed Moe's & had a date at the beach. Saturday we relaxed, finished a few projects & swam at Ed & Teena's. I ran an errand to Kohl's & was feeling a lot of pressure. I decided to head home & put my feet up - something didn't feel right.
We went to bed Saturday night. I woke up around 2:30 or 3 with contractions. (I had not had any contractions prior to this point.) I would get out of bed & walk around. Then lay back down once the contraction was over. It seemed like once I was about to fall back asleep another one would come. They kept coming regularly but not very close together. Around 6am, I decided to call the hospital to speak with a nurse. The nurse said everything sounded good, I could come in & get checked or keep laboring at home. I did NOT want to go to the hospital & be sent home so I wanted to be home as long as possible. At this point I told Jake what was going on. I couldn't sleep. I decided to take a shower & relax between contractions. Around 8:30am the contractions went from 10+ minutes apart to 5 minutes apart. We decided to finish getting ready & head to the hospital. If the hospital sent us home, I could always unpack the bag. We arrived at the hospital around 10am. To make a LONG story short, they checked me. . .I was a 9! We decided to forgo the epidural since I was so close. I LOVED our nurse; she was awesome. The doctor came in to check me & left. He was only gone a minute & was called back since I had "uncontrollable urge to push." Jake was so great with labor & delivery. I had to push 5-10 times. Lily was born at 11:57am.
Next time I better get to the hospital a little sooner.